
Monday, January 17, 2011

BeautyDiy Reveiws

薏仁甘草美白化妝水 150ml
I used it for toner mask everyday. 3 minutes max each time.
★˙☆˙甘草薏仁美白化妝水˙☆˙★天然漢方萃取成分 美白保濕,創造亮麗健康的膚質!

這款化 妝水除了添加薏仁、甘草萃取,還添加具有美白功效的維他命C衍生物,能改善膚色暗沈、不均勻的現象,添加多重保濕因子能發揮保濕功效,防止肌膚水分流失, 此外,還添加了七葉樹萃取,能夠立刻提振疲憊的膚況,讓肌膚充滿氣色,持續使用能讓肌膚白皙、透亮,並且可以讓後續的保養品更好吸收。

主 要成分&功效:
維他命 C磷酸鎂:美白肌膚,加強肌膚抗氧化
七葉樹萃取:促進肌膚循環, 幫助維持肌膚明亮效果

★ 《綠茶紓壓眼膜》★
這款紓壓眼膜含有綠茶萃取,當中有多種多酚成份,使眼周肌膚緊光滑,膚色均勻明亮;另外添加高濃度的小黃 瓜萃取,能有效的、舒緩不適的肌膚,並能夠使肌膚保水度提升,當眼周肌膚水嫩不乾燥,細紋也能獲得改善;另外,更具有特殊分子保濕膜和聚麩氨酸成分,能在 皮膚上形成一層保濕薄膜,增強皮膚潤澤度,使乾燥皮膚變光滑細緻。容量:5ml x 5包x1

紅酒當中富含葡萄多酚成分,不僅對身體有益,近年來也成為皮膚保 養的聖品。這款凝膠狀的面膜除了含有抗氧化的紅酒多酚成分,還添加保濕玻尿酸,是一款可以天天使用的面膜,可以幫助膚質維持健康穩定,保持紅潤透亮的完美 肌質。天然紅酒萃取含有豐富的抗氧化多酚成分,維持肌膚的健康。同時凝膠狀的面膜含有保濕的玻尿酸成分,具有迅速補水的功效,添加維他命C磷酸鎂,具有持 續美白的功效。是一款可以經常使用的多功效面膜!容量:120ml

★《晚櫻草睡美人修護 面膜》★
這款粉紅色的乳膠面膜,添加了晚櫻草油、水解亞麻子 油,含豐富的γ-亞麻油酸,能修復受損的角質層,並添加了水解小麥蛋白、大豆蛋白等,能加強肌膚緊實。此外,還添加了維他命E酯、錦葵萃取、山楂萃取等, 具有抗氧化、柔嫩肌膚的功效,茵陳蒿萃取則可降低白天照射紫外線對肌膚所帶來的傷害,只要在睡眠時修護肌膚,一覺睡醒,肌膚馬上煥然一新。 容量:120ml

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer SPF 15

Hourglass Veil Mineral Primer SPF 15 $52 (1oz)
What I like about this is mineral-based, 100% free of fragrance, oil, and parabens, and colorless.

It does what it claims.
  • neutralizes the skin and creates a smooth, uniformed canvas for flawless makeup application.
  • smoothes onto skin to help keep makeup looking fresh and prevent fading. 
  • absorbs excess oils and minimizes the appearance of pores
  • soften skin's imperfections and fine lines
  • water-resistant 

    Thursday, July 15, 2010

    Top Blogger this Month on Gmarket!!

    Yesterday, I received an email from Gmarket with a gift certificate.
    It was about my blog selected for one of the top blogger of July!! OMG

    I am so happy and excited!
    Top blogger Event
    check it out!

    Thursday, July 8, 2010

    July Wish List

    1. OLAY White Radiance Pure White Cream 50g (Not available in the US)

    2. OLAY White Radiance Pristine White Essence 40mL (Not available in the US)
    I am trying to get these two products from a friend who travels a few times back to Hong Kong.
    3. Leopard Love Complexion Perfection Kit
    4. Lancome GÉNIFIQUE Youth Activating Concentrate
    I bought a wrong one. They look so much alike. I should look at the product name before I order. I got the Lancome GÉNIFIQUE Youth Activating Cream Serum instead.

    Wednesday, July 7, 2010

    Books Haul @ Kingstone

    This order was super speedy!!! The order date is 06/09/10 and the received date is 06/11/10!!! Very impressive! I love Taiwan! I don't have to bear such high cost to buy books @ local Chinese bookstores or Their price is in NT$ and shipping cost is very reasonable. I bought 13 books and two magazines. They are avg. US$10 each which is a steal for me!!

    interested? you can check this out -> 金 石堂