
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hera Foundation

Hera Precious Foundation Liquid (30ml)
color: #21

This was delivered to me wrongly instead of the hera precious base. CS from Gmarket told me the seller promised to refund my money without to return it. Refund is still pending. Now I ended up with two Hera foundation in the same color #21. There are three shades available to choose. the picture on the listing doesn't really show the real color though. I tried it out anyway.

I have fair to medium asian complexion with yellow undertones. This blends beautifully into my skin.

The other things I like about this is it gives the right amount of coverage i want (sheer to medium) and the formula is quite light. It doesn't feel heavy on my face. It gives you a dewy finish. One pump is enough for my entire face. I don't have to use finishing powder after this. This is quite satisfied to use it daily especially when i don't have much time to do makeup in the morning. it does contains fragrance. it smells pleasant. the only thing i don't like is the color is a bit too yellow to my skin.

Hera HD Moist Foundation SPF15 PA++ (30ml)
color: #21

This HD Foundation has a slightly different color than the one above. it has a more pinkish tone. It matches me so much. This does a good job of moisturizing. I do prefer this for my dry skin.

I usually wear Shiseido Maquillage Lasting Liquid Foundation UV in OC 00, Nars Sheer Foundation in Celyan, and Make Up For Ever HD Foundation in 118 (for a darker choice).

Saturday, May 29, 2010


玫瑰超水嫩晚安凍膜70 ml NT$229

Rose Flower facial Night Jelly EX

Good morning ,柔滑細緻美肌!



玫瑰精油及玫瑰萃取液: 保加利亞玫瑰精油(Rosa Damascana)能增加肌膚含水量,玫瑰萃取液(Rosa Centifolia)含豐富的類黃酮素,能提升肌膚活力;天然的玫瑰氣息能讓您倍感身心舒暢。
玻尿酸: 強效保濕因子,能緊鎖住肌膚水分。
複合氨基酸  包含絲胺酸、精胺酸、甘胺酸、榖胺酸等多種氨基酸,為蘊含於肌膚角質層的天然保濕因子,強化肌膚的涵水保濕功效。
維他命A: 可以增加膠原蛋白的製造,改善肌膚的紋路
水解蠶絲蛋白: 可賦予肌膚柔滑感。
小黃瓜植物萃取 : 保濕、安撫肌膚。
蘆薈萃取 : 安撫、舒緩肌膚,並能補充肌膚水份。
分子釘: 能為肌膚築起長效鎖水牆,防止水分流失。

This stuff is so good!!! I use it every other night. Love it!

PayEasy Haul

This time I ordered about 16 items @ PayEasy. The items I bought are mostly from BeautyDiy 愛美保養網 & BeautyEasy 自然保養網.

Some products are available for sell @ sasa.

Things I ordered:

  1. 玫瑰超水嫩晚安凍膜
  2. 玫瑰超水嫩保濕控色隔離乳SPF35/PA+++
  3. 玫瑰超水嫩保濕青春露 
  4. 玫瑰超水嫩保濕眼霜  
  5. 薰衣草美白晚安凍膜
  6. 第二代薰衣草眼圈亮白修飾下地
  7. 薰衣草淨白眼圈美白霜 
  8. 青木瓜毛孔淨化角質凝膠
  9.  氨基酸溫和洗面皂
  10.  紅酒多酚保濕面膜
  11.  晚櫻草睡美人修護面膜
  12.  薏仁甘草美白化妝水
  13. 玫瑰保濕露
  14. 紅酒多酚360度激活修護晚安凍膜
  15. 綠茶紓壓眼膜
  16. α熊果素複合植物萃取液
If you are interested, you can go to PayEasy! They have minimum amount required! NT$3,000 + Shipping cost.

Friday, May 28, 2010

1st time Online Shopping @ Gmarket

I love love love to shop @ Gmarket so much!!

Ok, my first Gmarket haul is Korean Cosmetics and Skin Care.
I was looking for this Hera Precious Base online @ ebay. Some sellers have this for sale around US$40-48 which is quite expensive to me.

This product was introduced by 2 blogger from Taiwan.

Amore Pacific Hera Precious Base 30mL SPF15 PA++
Amore Pacific Hera Precious Base 30mL SPF15 PA++
Amore Pacific Hera Precious Base 30mL SPF15 PA++
Amore Pacific Hera Precious Base 30mL SPF15 PA++
Amore Pacific Hera Precious Base 30mL SPF15 PA++

I can't wait to try it.. so I was searching for it on google, ebay, and some other website that sell Korean brand cosmetics and can ship to US! u know what, there was no hope except ebay with much higher price.

one day, i was reading Lotus Palace Blog, and she has a great Gmarket tutorial @ her blog!! it is a step by step tutorial with pictures and descriptions. I was able to place my first order without any trouble. Lucky, I have a paypal account and this really express the checkout process.

Thx so much to Lotus Palace Blog! you can check it out!

I placed my order on 05/17/2010 (Monday) and guess what I received the package on 05/22/2010. It was a Saturday. What a surprise! I was expecting it the following week and it arrived much earlier that I expected. Yeah!

There was two small packages inside the EMS box. I also ordered other things along with the hera base.

Here what i received:

  1. Hera Precious foundation in #21
  2. NEW Hera HD foundation moist in #21
  3. Hera Sun Mate Daily SPF35 PA++ (70ml) x 2
  4. Hera Precious Powder in #1 Refill 
  5. Laneige Water Sleeping Pack EX 80ml 

where is my HERA PRECIOUS BASE???????
I logged in my Gmarket account to check if i ordered the wrong product. the answer is no. I did ordered the HERA PRECIOUS BASE. I am 100% sure because the is the only product that I don't have to pick color.

i sent a couple emails regarding of this to the CS(customer service). they have quick response and was able to solve the problem for me with the seller which a refund will be issue back to my account. Refund is still pending.

With zero knowledge in Korean, my first order @ Gmarket was quite successful. however, a big disappointment was my most wanted item is not here. kinda sucks!!

#1-#3 were ordered from this seller 모모momo
#4-#5 were from 뷰티사랑 

my 2nd Gmarket haul is coming!

BB Cream

BB Cream真係好方便!
4 in 1, 有時係5 in 1

1. moisturizer
2. SPF (UV protection)
3. foundation
4. concealer
5. whitening/anti-aging/anti-wrinkle/etc

省下不少時間& $$$


Most popular brands:
Skin 79
Skin Food
Etude House
Elisha Coy
and 10-20 other brands more.......

最over的是連lancome歐美牌都有出bb cream!! 勁ar!! 不過都是asian exclusive... US沒有賣

我1-2年前開始接觸, 貪新鮮
皮膚偏白都有點好處...因為BB CREAM初初只有一種COLOR

MEDIUM TONER打後的人一定沒得用...


我用過的.. 都彼好用

My Favorite:

Dr. G多功能修護霜SPF30 PA++ (BB Cream) 蘊含親水性及親油性成分,兩者獨有的配方確保水份及養分深層滲透到真皮層,令面部肌膚變得通透亮麗,塑造出健康膚色。

Dr. G多功能修護霜同時備有防曬隔離SPF 30 PA++功效,是理想的妝前隔離霜或獨立防曬隔離霜。

在臉上塗上薄薄一層Dr. G多功能修護霜SPF30 PA++ (BB Cream),並以指尖將修護霜輕輕地推勻至被肌膚吸收。可作妝前打底或單獨使用。



一支有60ml, 日日用的話, 都可以用大概6-10月
因為太耐用!!! 一點點就有好好的效果!


Skincare Routine

Products Used:

爽膚水面膜: Innisfree Olive Toner
眼霜: Shiseido Sun Protection Eye Cream 32 PA+++   *
精華素: SK-II Whitening Source DermDefinition*
防曬: Estee Lauder Cyber White EX Extra Intensive UV Protector SPF 50*

落妝+洗面乳: SK-II BASIC CARE Facial Treatment Cleanser
爽膚水:  Innisfree Olive Toner
面膜: Shiseido Moisture Relax Mask*
精華素: SK-II Whitening Source DermDefinition*
乳液/cream: Dior Hydra Life Pro-Youth Sorbet Crème
眼霜: Lancome Primordiale Eye Skin Recharge Visibly Smoothing & Renewing Eye Treatment*

Makeup Base: Sofina Primavista Moisture Coat Base
Foundation: Hera Precious Moist Foundation in #21
Concealer: thebalm eye concealer in light + light/med
Eye Makeup: Random
Blush: Random, Mostly from MAC
Eyebrow: Integrate Eyebrow Powder + Missha The Style Auto Eyebrow Pencil in Dark Brown*
Mascara: Majolica Majorca Mascara Base* + Nars Mascara
Lip: Shiseido Lip Balm + Random Lip Colors

*my favorite products