
Saturday, May 29, 2010

PayEasy Haul

This time I ordered about 16 items @ PayEasy. The items I bought are mostly from BeautyDiy 愛美保養網 & BeautyEasy 自然保養網.

Some products are available for sell @ sasa.

Things I ordered:

  1. 玫瑰超水嫩晚安凍膜
  2. 玫瑰超水嫩保濕控色隔離乳SPF35/PA+++
  3. 玫瑰超水嫩保濕青春露 
  4. 玫瑰超水嫩保濕眼霜  
  5. 薰衣草美白晚安凍膜
  6. 第二代薰衣草眼圈亮白修飾下地
  7. 薰衣草淨白眼圈美白霜 
  8. 青木瓜毛孔淨化角質凝膠
  9.  氨基酸溫和洗面皂
  10.  紅酒多酚保濕面膜
  11.  晚櫻草睡美人修護面膜
  12.  薏仁甘草美白化妝水
  13. 玫瑰保濕露
  14. 紅酒多酚360度激活修護晚安凍膜
  15. 綠茶紓壓眼膜
  16. α熊果素複合植物萃取液
If you are interested, you can go to PayEasy! They have minimum amount required! NT$3,000 + Shipping cost.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Can I ask what are your thoughts on the BeautyDIY α熊果素複合植物萃取液? I think a lot of people mix it with the 薏仁甘草美白化妝水 and use it as a toner. Did i provided effective whitening for you? TIA.
